On-Hold Telephone Messages

On-Hold Telephone Messages

Ad-Hold has been producing telephone on hold advertising programs since 1986. We offer the finest professional voice talent, and very creative script-writing. Our programs are digitally produced using a wide selection of licensed music. You can count on Ad-Hold to...
What Is Duplicate Content?

What Is Duplicate Content?

Everything you say online sends a positive or negative message to internet users and search engines. You need to be careful not to post duplicate content from another site or Google, which favors sites with original content, may downgrade your site. Here are important...
Are Your Listings on the Web Important?

Are Your Listings on the Web Important?

Web listings can help a business rank higher on the major search engines. This is especially true for small businesses. Your goal is to make sure your business gets mentioned all over the Internet. As such, it is important to have your business listed in as many...
What Is Duplicate Content?

What is a page description and how can it help with Google?

Drawing traffic to your website can sometimes be a frustrating task. Even if the site looks great, has important information or offers awesome deals, users still need to be able to find it using a search engine for traffic to increase. Often, first-time webmasters are...
Why is Video so Important for a Website?

Why is Video so Important for a Website?

Video has grown to be one of the most vital tools for marketing on the web. Viewers are watching more video content than ever and the popularity isn’t dying down soon. The transition from visual and textual content to video content has happened already and companies...
Why Your SEO Often Depends on Your Title Tags

Why Your SEO Often Depends on Your Title Tags

The title tag is an element in HTML that’s crucial for both SEO and user experience reasons. It’s used to succinctly explain the subject and theme of a document online. A title tag is presented in two main places: • Internet Browser—title tags are...